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Friday, 4 March 2011


I am really bad at this blogging thing. I know that, I don't need reminding of that. However, I have been chatting to a couple of friends recently, Mike O’Neil and Steve Blake, both professional press photographers who I have worked with in the past and they have been hammering on to me about blogging and keeping it up.

Mike and I did some photography courses together in 2008 and he had to remind me that during that period
I took a self portrait every single day and posted it to the flickr photo sharing website and blogged every day about the image and about what I had been up to. Steve on the other hand had to remind me that I told him at the end of 2010 that I would blog regularly and so far I have failed to do so. I have a few projects that I am trying to work on just now and will start putting some images from them on here as and when, but for the time being here are some of the self portraits that I did in 2008 for my project 365/366. Thanks again to Mike and Steve for the motivation!!

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Film Noir

I have always had a fascination with old Film Noir movies and have always admired the works of John Alton and Alfred Hitchcock. I have always thought about doing my own film noir images and it wasn't until September 2010 when I finally decided that I was going to try and recreate the images of the 1940s and 1950s which are generally regarded as the "classic period" of American film noir.

This image then is my first attempt at a film noir inspired shoot.

For this image I wanted to create that tense moment you get when watching a movie when you know that something is about to happen, that moment when your heart starts racing, the moment when you sit up in your seat and hope that everything is going to be ok.